Thursday, November 7, 2013

Search for the perfect Android home screen experience

I switched over to a Samsung Note 3 from my Galaxy S4.  There wasn't anything wrong with my S4 but I felt I wanted more power and screen size.
Now I'm totally in love with my Note 3 and I use it for EVERYTHING!
My next search has been for the perfect phone UI .  Thankfully with Android we have the option to ponder about our home screen.
After endless searching and trying loaders here's a quick look at my experiences.  Please keep in mind these are just the ones that stood out to me.  There are many other launchers that I have tried which provide different experiences,  the ones listed below were just specific to my needs.


I got the chance to try Themer out in closed beta and I did like the ease of switching themes but it was crashing too much. It's definitely the easiest app  to edit your home screen, my issue was that I liked to edit them too much so I spent hours trying to customize the themes when it wasn't necessary.
Themer is no longer in closed beta so if you like an easy way to switch your home screen for a fresh look definitely check this app out.Their simple method of delivery makes this app very attractive to a lot of people since you can just change the entire look of your phone by selecting and applying the theme. 
All themes are approved by the dev team and they even adjust the themes to fit most size screens, as a result there is a growing # of developers making themes for this app.

Unfortunately this app only changes the look of my home screen and I was looking for something that would push my phone more and provide with more information as it learned my patterns and provided me with information on the fly.For those of you who want easier ways to switch the look of your phone this is definitely an app to consider, as it gets more and more popular I expect they will have a huge selection of themes.

The Good:  
Completely customize your home screen with only a few taps.                   
Great selection of themes.                   
Not a memory hog.                   
Committed development team.

The Bad:      
For me it’s just a shell for my home screen which  is was not what I was looking for but I’m sure this will be THE launcher for many people.        



In my search for a better theme I came across Aviate. This is a launcher which provides you with apps depending on your location,  they split it up as Home, Work, and Going Somewhere.  
Currently this is only by invite only but all you have to do is sign up on their site.  It took me about 3 days to get my invite.

As far as customization, well there isn’t much.  You can chose between a light and a dark theme and in total there are only 4 screens.
Spaces – this is where you can chose  any of the spaces in case you need to switch locations manually.
Home screen – This is where Aviate can provide you with your apps according to location.  There is a section for apps that do not change regardless of where you are and this is where you can also add widgets.
App Collections – Here your apps grouped into categories and labeled such as games, music, news and there additional collections which you can add manually.  You can also add  apps to any of these collections  manually.
App Drawer – This is just your listing of apps in alphabetical order.

Aviate controls the user experience but I find that it works very well, so far my apps are always there when I need them regardless of my location and I actually like the simplicity of the theme, over time you start to appreciate the stability of the launcher. This launcher is still in beta so I’m sure when the final version is released there will be some extra customization options added without sacrificing the stability of the app.

The Good:   
Simple to use and very stable. I personally enjoy the minimalist look.

The Bad:      
Lack of customization and lack of lock screen to match the entire theme.

Overall, because of the way Aviate customizes my home screen with the apps I need depending on my location I have stuck with it but the lack of matching lockscreen  left me still searching for a better option. Enter CoverScreen.


“The lockscreen that learnsCover automatically recognizes when you’re at home, work, or in the car and learns which apps you use most in each context. So when you’re in the car, maps are right there. At work, your calendar and documents are at your fingertips. You can set a custom ringer volume and wallpaper for each location.”

I found this lock screen and after viewing the videos it seemed like a great match for the Aviate launcher.  Unfortunately this was also an invite only app and the invites are hard to come by so I was forced to drool over the app for 3 weeks until I finally got my hands on a copy of the APK. (I’m still waiting for an official invite).

At first look it just seemed like a very simple presentation but what attracted me to it was the development team who are ex-Googlers so they worked on this from the inside out.. it follows the same location based idea of providing you with the apps you need based on your location. They have Home, Work, Car and Out, each location can have its own background and you can adjust ringer prefrences. As you go through your day the lockscreen will completely change the apps it shows you.

To get the full grasp of this app you really need to view the video, I’m sure it will spark your curiosity right away J

The Good:   
Simple,Adjusts to your location,Great customer service

The Bad:      
Lack of customization(you can’t add any widgets)


I’m glad to see apps are using the information they collect to provide us with predictive functionality, with time I would even like to see news feeds which will also predict the feed based on your location and maybe interests(hint hint Google)

By: Andres Gallo

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