Saturday, November 9, 2013

Rise of The Mobile Born

The Rise Of The Mobile-Born -

This article caught my attention because I see the same when looking at my 2 year old interacting with technology. My son has his own iPad and is perfectly capable of playing around with mommy's or daddy's phones.

His expectations of having content instantly available to him via Netflix or music streaming are amazing.  DVDs are definately a thing of the past but once in a while we do go and rent, I guess just because of the idea of "family movie night".

The one thing that I think is a parental issue is the disconnectivity these kids are said to have because they are always plugged in.  I believe parents are using these devices as baby sitters and the view of a family all into their own devices is a disturbing one.

Technology should not be creating gaps betweent people but rather the opposite. Yes, we are more connected but it just means we change our communication methods.  My kids text me at work but I make sure after they get home from school I have a video chat session with them.  Why? Because technology can connect us in amazing ways.

How many of us take time to unplug?
Like any other values we pass on to our kids, technology use is one more value we are instilling.  As hard as it is, if we as parents do not have activities to force you to unplug how are the kids going to learn that you can actually experience what's out there rather than watching it on their screen?  In our family we go fishing, camping and as they get olders snow boarding.

As digital immigrants we are memerized by the access we now have to information.  What we have to realize is that while this was not the norm for us it will be for our kids and while some of us can recognize it and put our devices down to look around our kids will grow up with technology as the norm and therefor we have to show them how to stop and look around them for inspiration and relaxation.

It's up to us to teach our kids to recognize that they are just being consumers of information and they should be the creators.

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